Business Forecasting

Case study for Self-Balancing Inventory for a major retail chain, Business Forecasting at Aspect Ratio
Case study for Self-Balancing Inventory for a major retail chain, Business Forecasting at Aspect Ratio
Traditional inventory reorder methods result in higher obsolete inventory
Traditional inventory reorder methods result in higher obsolete inventory



By following EOQ and traditional inventory reorder methods, a retail chain was facing high amounts of obsolete inventory.



Trends analysis in Business Forecasting were used to self balance consumption times
Trends analysis in Business Forecasting were used to self balance consumption times

Using advanced trend analysis, non-uniformity in delivery lead times and consumption times were self balanced.

Assessed the possibility of more frequent and smaller order quantities from vendors.

Smaller and more frequent orders from vendors was achieved using Aspect Ratio's advanced Business Forecasting solutions
Smaller and more frequent orders from vendors was achieved using Aspect Ratio's advanced Business Forecasting solutions
Plan and execute smaller inventories per SKU across retail stores
Plan and execute smaller inventories per SKU across retail stores

Planned and executed smaller inventories per SKU across retail stores.



Optimized levels for inventory management by SKU across retail stores.

Optimized inventory management by SKU across retail stores for major retail chain, Business Forecasting case study Aspect Ratio
Optimized inventory management by SKU across retail stores for major retail chain, Business Forecasting case study Aspect Ratio

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